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Published Deliverables

To access deliverables just click on the deliverable number

title deadline task delivered
D11 kick off meeting 00 Task1 1true
D12 creation and continuous updates 33 Task1 1true
D21 Building a corpus for experimenting continuous knowledge extraction. 66 Task21 1true
D41 State of the art on the different topics addressed in this task 66 Task4 1true
D51 State of the art on the three topics studied (Distributed Semantic Wikis, distributed querying distributed alter-ego assistant), 66 Task5 1true
D61 Man-machine collaboration scenarios 66 Task6 1true
D42 Algorithm to explain basic query mechanisms 1010 Task4 1true
D13 Yearly workshop 1 1212 Task1 1true
D22 Integrating a knowledge extraction system from texts in a semantic wiki. methodology, modules, and experiments. 1212 Task22 1true
D31 algorithms and architecture of the interactive semantic inconsistency managing system 1212 Task3 1true
D52 Many semantic web applications integrate data from distributed triple stores and to be efficient, they need to know what kind of content each triple store holds in order to assess if it can contribute to its queries. We present an algorithm to build indexes summarizing the content of triple stores. We extended Depth-First Search coding to provide a canonical representation of RDF graphs and we introduce a new join operator between two graph codes to optimize the generation of an index. We provide an incremental update algorithm and conclude with tests on real datasets. 1212 Task5 1true
D62 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 1212 Task6 1true
D43 Algorithm to provide performance and errors indicators 1515 Task4 1true
D23 Specification of a continuous knowledge extraction system 1818 Task23 1true
D44 Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios 1818 Task4 1true
D53 Algorithms and architecture for a distributed semantic wiki and a distributed alter-ego assistant 1818 Task5 1true
D45 Algorithm to explain ontology-based processing 2020 Task4 1true
D14 Yearly workshop 2 2424 Task1 1true
D32 prototype and tests of the interactive semantic inconsistency managing system 2424 Task3 1true
D63 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 2424 Task6 1true
D46 Algorithm to suggest queries and changes to queries 2626 Task4 1true
D54 Algorithm to distribute query-solving 2828 Task5 1true
D55 Algorithm to explain and document the distributed solving, Process language and machine for man-machine coordination 3434 Task5 1true
D16 Final report 3636 Task1 1true
D15 Final open workshop 3636 Task1 1true
D25 Continuous extraction, edition and annotation in a semantic wiki ; report advances on this task at the end of the project. 3636 Task23 1true
D24 Dynamic semantic annotation in a semantic wiki: definitions and specifications 3636 Task24 1true
D33 prototype of the extension integrating management of ”human-machine” and ”logical” inconsistencies 3636 Task3 1true
D56 Algorithm adapted to conflict detection 3636 Task5
D57 Test and evaluation according to the project scenarios 3636 Task5 1true
D64 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 3636 Task6 1true

Expended list of delivrables


Deliverable description

Code : D1.1

Task / Sub-task : Task1

Deadline : month 0

Description : kick off meeting

Concerns : Kick-off meeting

Status : yes

Kickoff documents : kick-off_meeting


Deliverable description

Code : D1.2

Task / Sub-task : Task1

Deadline : month 3

Description : creation and continuous updates

Concerns : Kolflow

Status : true

This task corresponds to the maintenance of the kolflow web site.


Deliverable description

Code : D1.3

Task / Sub-task : Task1

Deadline : month 12

Description : Yearly workshop 1

Concerns : Yearly workshop 1

Status : yes

This correspond to workshop in Lyon: Second_Meeting


Deliverable description

Code : D1.4

Task / Sub-task : Task1

Deadline : month 24

Description : Yearly workshop 2

Concerns : Yearly workshop 2

Status : true

This correspond to workshop in Lyon: Fifth_Meeting


Deliverable description

Code : D1.4

Task / Sub-task : Task1

Deadline : month 36

Description : Final open workshop

Concerns : Final open workshop

Status : true

Last meeting in nice


Deliverable description

Code : D1.6

Task / Sub-task : Task1

Deadline : month 36

Description : Final report

Concerns : Final report

Status : true

Final report



Deliverable description

Code : D2.1

Task / Sub-task : Task21

Deadline : month 6

Description : Building a corpus for experimenting continuous knowledge extraction.

Concerns :

Status : yes

  • Knowledge and data about cooking, used in the Taaable project are publically available at: These resources have been completed and corrected.
  • Several data links have been created. Dumps in RDF and XML, as well as a

sparql endpoint are now available from the main page of

  • This corpus has to be imported in DSMW.


Deliverable description

Code : D2.2

Task / Sub-task : Task22

Deadline : month 12

Description : Integrating a knowledge extraction system from texts in a semantic wiki. methodology, modules, and experiments.

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D2.3

Task / Sub-task : Task23

Deadline : month 18

Description : Specification of a continuous knowledge extraction system

Concerns :

Status : true

A non-regression test system has been designed and implemented to ensure a stable behavior of a reasoning system when the knowledge it exploits evolves.

Deliverable description

Code : D2.5

Task / Sub-task : Task23

Deadline : month 36

Description : Continuous extraction, edition and annotation in a semantic wiki ; report advances on this task at the end of the project.

Concerns :

Status : true

Merged with D24

The merge is mainly motivated by some limitations of semantic wikis. The work has been done but in larger context than semantic wiki.


Deliverable description

Code : D2.4

Task / Sub-task : Task24

Deadline : month 36

Description : Dynamic semantic annotation in a semantic wiki: definitions and specifications

Concerns :

Status : true

Tang, M. T., & Toussaint, Y. (2013, October). A Collaborative Approach for FCA-Based Knowledge Extraction. In The Tenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications-CLA'13.


Deliverable description

Code : D3.1

Task / Sub-task : Task3

Deadline : month 12

Description : algorithms and architecture of the interactive semantic inconsistency managing system

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D3.2

Task / Sub-task : Task3

Deadline : month 24

Description : prototype and tests of the interactive semantic inconsistency managing system

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D3.3

Task / Sub-task : Task3

Deadline : month 36

Description : prototype of the extension integrating management of ”human-machine” and ”logical” inconsistencies

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D4.1

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 6

Description : State of the art on the different topics addressed in this task

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

  • Rakebul Hasan and Fabien Gandon: Explanation in the Semantic Web: a survey of the state of the art. Research Report RR-7974, INRIA, (May 2012). Link
  • Pierre-Antoine Champin, Amélie Cordier, Élise Lavoué, Marie Lefevre and Alain Mille: Traces, Assistance and Communities, a review. Research Report RR-LIRIS-2012-006, LIRIS, (April 2012). Link


Deliverable description

Code : D4.2

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 10

Description : Algorithm to explain basic query mechanisms

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

  • Rakebul Hasan and Fabien Gandon: Linking justifications in the collaborative semantic web applications. WWW (Companion Volume) 2012: 1083-1090 Download (slides)


Deliverable description

Code : D4.3

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 15

Description : Algorithm to provide performance and errors indicators

Concerns :

Status : Yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

  • Rakebul Hasan and Fabien Gandon:Predicting SPARQL Query Execution Time and Suggesting SPARQL Queries Based on Query History, Research Report RR-8392, INRIA, (November 2013). Link


Deliverable description

Code : D4.4

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 18

Description : Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable "Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios" was published as an article in the WIMS Conference (see below). This paper introduce Collectra, the first element enabling to collecte interactions traces using to built assistance. The paper also presents the assessments of Collectra and demonstrates that the performance of the tool are satisfactory for the needs of assisting motor. Due to strategic reorientation of Kolflow project, the alter-ego assistant for DSMW has not been implemented. However, the uses of traces to provide assistance to users are presented in the deliverables D6.3 and D5.3.

Deliverable description

Code : D4.5

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 20

Description : Algorithm to explain ontology-based processing

Concerns :

Status : yes

This deliverable corresponds to:

  • Rakebul Hasan and Fabien Gandon: Summarized Explanations from Linked Justifications. Research Report RR-8279, INRIA, (April 2013). Link


Deliverable description

Code : D4.6

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 26

Description : Algorithm to suggest queries and changes to queries

Concerns :

Status : Yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

  • Rakebul Hasan and Fabien Gandon:Predicting SPARQL Query Execution Time and Suggesting SPARQL Queries Based on Query History, Research Report RR-8392, INRIA, (November 2013). Link


Deliverable description

Code : D5.1

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 6

Description : State of the art on the three topics studied (Distributed Semantic Wikis, distributed querying distributed alter-ego assistant),

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D5.2

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 12

Description : Many semantic web applications integrate data from distributed triple stores and to be efficient, they need to know what kind of content each triple store holds in order to assess if it can contribute to its queries. We present an algorithm to build indexes summarizing the content of triple stores. We extended Depth-First Search coding to provide a canonical representation of RDF graphs and we introduce a new join operator between two graph codes to optimize the generation of an index. We provide an incremental update algorithm and conclude with tests on real datasets.

Concerns : Kolflow

Status : yes

This deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D5.3

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 18

Description : Algorithms and architecture for a distributed semantic wiki and a distributed alter-ego assistant

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D5.4

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 28

Description : Algorithm to distribute query-solving

Concerns :

Status : true

Corby, O., Gaignard, A., Zucker, C. F., & Montagnat, J. (2012, December). KGRAM Versatile Inference and Query Engine for the Web of Linked Data. In Proceedings of the The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology-Volume 01 (pp. 121-128). IEEE Computer Society.


Deliverable description

Code : D5.5

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 34

Description : Algorithm to explain and document the distributed solving, Process language and machine for man-machine coordination

Concerns :

Status : true

Merged with D42+D45

Regarding D55 (Algorithms to explain and document the distributed solving, process language and machine for man-machine coordination, M34), we have been working on explanations from a Linked Data perceptive from the beginning. The distributed nature of Linked Data and our approach of Linked Justifications already cover explaining in distributed settings. Section 3 of D45 (Summarized explanations from Linked Justifications) describes this in detail. Also D42 (Linking justifications in the collaborative semantic web applications) focus on the issue of explaining distributed and collaborative knowledge. Therefore, our proposal is to merge the deliverable D55 with the deliverable D42 and the deliverable D45.

This has been proposed and validated in report at T0+30.


Deliverable description

Code : D5.6

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 36

Description : Algorithm adapted to conflict detection

Concerns :

Status :


Deliverable description

Code : D5.7

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 36

Description : Test and evaluation according to the project scenarios

Concerns :

Status : true

Merged with D64


Deliverable description

Code : D6.1

Task / Sub-task : Task6

Deadline : month 6

Description : Man-machine collaboration scenarios

Concerns :

Status : yes

This deliverable has been joined with Deliverables D62.

In addition, some assistance scenarios are described in this Media:assistance_document.pdf.


Deliverable description

Code : D6.2

Task / Sub-task : Task6

Deadline : month 12

Description : Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverables corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D6.3

Task / Sub-task : Task6

Deadline : month 24

Description : Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

Deliverable description

Code : D6.4

Task / Sub-task : Task6

Deadline : month 36

Description : Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report

Concerns :

Status : true

Those deliverables are mainly available in 3 thesis, 2 funded by Kolflow and one funded by University of La Plata, Argentina.

This page was last modified on 30 August 2013, at 08:29. This page has been accessed 17,354 times.