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Title : Social semantic space

Code : 5

Responsible : Silex

Activities : Design and experiment of a social semantic space

Start Date : 2011-02-01

End Date : 2014-07-31

Objectives : The objective of this task is to design and experiment a social semantic space where humans and smart agents can collaborate to produce knowledge understandable by humans and machines. In this task, we will rely on a distributed semantic wiki that behaves as a blackboard for smart agents and humans. This space must be able to answer distributed semantic queries but also to provide users with explanations on the knowledge available in the system and on its genesis. This task plays a central role in this project. It is decomposed into three subtasks that are described hereafter.

Success criteria : We intend to test and validate the distribution algorithm demonstrating the solving of a query on distributed test bases for instance using data from dbpedia bases first then on the bases of the scenario of the project during the test session.

Risks : Many contributions have been made to distributed query-solving in particular in the field of databases. We won’t compete on this but we will focus on extending results for RDF/S and the main difficulties are in adapting results of distributed relational models and plain graph mining to distributed ontology-based queries and typed graph mining for index generation.

Deliverables :

description Feb2011+months
D51 State of the art on the three topics studied (Distributed Semantic Wikis, distributed querying distributed alter-ego assistant), 66
D52 Many semantic web applications integrate data from distributed triple stores and to be efficient, they need to know what kind of content each triple store holds in order to assess if it can contribute to its queries. We present an algorithm to build indexes summarizing the content of triple stores. We extended Depth-First Search coding to provide a canonical representation of RDF graphs and we introduce a new join operator between two graph codes to optimize the generation of an index. We provide an incremental update algorithm and conclude with tests on real datasets. 1212
D53 Algorithms and architecture for a distributed semantic wiki and a distributed alter-ego assistant 1818
D54 Algorithm to distribute query-solving 2828
D55 Algorithm to explain and document the distributed solving, Process language and machine for man-machine coordination 3434
D56 Algorithm adapted to conflict detection 3636
D57 Test and evaluation according to the project scenarios 3636

Sub-tasks :

Task51 Distributed semantic wikis.
Task52 Distributed semantic queries.
Task53 Distributed alter ego assistant.

Participants :

This page was last modified on 7 February 2011, at 08:09. This page has been accessed 5,902 times.