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Name : Orpailleur

Laboratory : LORIA

URL : http://www.loria.fr/research/equipes/orpailleur

Description :

Orpailleur is a joint research group of Henri Poincaré University Nancy 1, Nancy 2 University and INRIA Nancy - Grand Est. The Orpailleur team works on the integration of two complementary axes of knowledge-based systems:

  • Knowledge discovery (KD) from texts, data, and knowledge: text-mining, formal concept analysis, frequent closed itemset extraction, etc.;
  • Knowledgerepresentationandreasoning(KRR):descriptionlogics,case-basedreasoning, minimal change theory, technologies of the semantic Web, etc.

This complementarity is pointed out by the desire to build working applications: these latters require knowledge (that can be extracted from data and texts, with the help of an analyst) and the manipulation of this knowledge is done thanks to inference engines. But this complementarity is not to be considered as a simple juxtaposition: one of the main issues of Orpailleur is to integrate KD and KRR principles, methods, and technologies. The project Kolflow goes in the same direction and adds collaborative and human-machine aspects. Orpailleur has been a partner of the network of excellence Knowledge Web, dealing with ontology technology, a partner of the “ACI Masse de données” dedicated to astronomy, and is a partner of the ANR Vigiterm about pharmacovigilance.

Tasks :
Task2 Continuous extraction, edition, and annotation
Task3 Inferences and Interactions for dealing with Semantic Inconsistencies

Members :
Local page CompleteName Url
Aliceh Alice Hermann http://www.loria.fr/research/equipes/orpailleur
Amedeo Amedeo Napoli http://www.loria.fr/
Canals Gérôme Canals http://www.loria.fr/%7Ecanals
Emmanuel-n Emmanuel Nauer http://www.loria.fr/
Jean Jean Lieber http://www.loria.fr/
Juien Stevenot Julien Stévenot http://www.loria.fr/research/equipes/orpailleur
Mythao My Thao Tang http://www.loria.fr/
Yannick Yannick Toussaint http://www.loria.fr/
This page was last modified on 14 February 2011, at 16:23. This page has been accessed 8,221 times.