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Deliverable description

Code : D5.5

Task / Sub-task : Task5

Deadline : month 34

Description : Algorithm to explain and document the distributed solving, Process language and machine for man-machine coordination

Concerns :

Status : true

Merged with D42+D45

Regarding D55 (Algorithms to explain and document the distributed solving, process language and machine for man-machine coordination, M34), we have been working on explanations from a Linked Data perceptive from the beginning. The distributed nature of Linked Data and our approach of Linked Justifications already cover explaining in distributed settings. Section 3 of D45 (Summarized explanations from Linked Justifications) describes this in detail. Also D42 (Linking justifications in the collaborative semantic web applications) focus on the issue of explaining distributed and collaborative knowledge. Therefore, our proposal is to merge the deliverable D55 with the deliverable D42 and the deliverable D45.

This has been proposed and validated in report at T0+30.

This page was last modified on 29 October 2014, at 15:47. This page has been accessed 2,875 times.