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Deliverable description

Code : D4.1

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 6

Description : State of the art on the different topics addressed in this task

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable corresponds to:

  • Rakebul Hasan and Fabien Gandon: Explanation in the Semantic Web: a survey of the state of the art. Research Report RR-7974, INRIA, (May 2012). Link
  • Pierre-Antoine Champin, Amélie Cordier, Élise Lavoué, Marie Lefevre and Alain Mille: Traces, Assistance and Communities, a review. Research Report RR-LIRIS-2012-006, LIRIS, (April 2012). Link
This page was last modified on 3 June 2012, at 18:42. This page has been accessed 3,261 times.