Seventh Meeting

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Meeting description

Name : non-Kick-off meeting (the project has already been kicked off)

Description :

Start Date : 2014-22-05T09:30:00

End Date : 2014-23-05T15:30:00

Laboratory : INRIA

Location : SOPHIA

General information

Slides and talks can be made either in French or in English


  • Nantes: Pascal Molli, Luis Ibanez, Hala Skaf (by visio)
  • Nancy: My Thao, Yannick (by visio)
  • Lyon: None
  • Nice: Olivier Corby, Rakeb Hasan, Fabien on 22


  • Meeting Address :

Plus d'informations :

Detailed Schedule

Thurday 22 :

  • 9:00-10:00 Task1 Coordination, GDD (Project coordination)
Id deadline task number title delivered
D43 1515 Task4 4.3 Algorithm to provide performance and errors indicators 1true
D23 1818 Task23 2.3 Specification of a continuous knowledge extraction system 1true
D44 1818 Task4 4.4 Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios 1true
D53 1818 Task5 5.3 Algorithms and architecture for a distributed semantic wiki and a distributed alter-ego assistant 1true
D45 2020 Task4 4.5 Algorithm to explain ontology-based processing 1true
D32 2424 Task3 3.2 prototype and tests of the interactive semantic inconsistency managing system 1true
D63 2424 Task6 6.3 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 1true
D46 2626 Task4 4.6 Algorithm to suggest queries and changes to queries 1true
D54 2828 Task5 5.4 Algorithm to distribute query-solving 1true
D55 3434 Task5 5.5 Algorithm to explain and document the distributed solving, Process language and machine for man-machine coordination 1true
D25 3636 Task23 2.5 Continuous extraction, edition and annotation in a semantic wiki ; report advances on this task at the end of the project. 1true
D24 3636 Task24 2.4 Dynamic semantic annotation in a semantic wiki: definitions and specifications 1true
D33 3636 Task3 3.3 prototype of the extension integrating management of ”human-machine” and ”logical” inconsistencies 1true
D57 3636 Task5 5.7 Test and evaluation according to the project scenarios 1true
D56 3636 Task5 5.6 Algorithm adapted to conflict detection
D64 3636 Task6 6.4 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 1true

  • Task2 Continuous extraction, edition, and annotation, Orpailleur (extracting knowledge units from texts using data mining)
Id deadline task number title delivered
D23 1818 Task23 2.3 Specification of a continuous knowledge extraction system 1true
D25 3636 Task23 2.5 Continuous extraction, edition and annotation in a semantic wiki ; report advances on this task at the end of the project. 1true

  • Task3 Inferences and Interactions for dealing with Semantic Inconsistencies, Orpailleur (Design and experiment strategies for dealing with Semantic Inconsistencies)
    1. Discussion on status of deliverables (maximum : 15 minutes) :
Id deadline task number title delivered
D32 2424 Task3 3.2 prototype and tests of the interactive semantic inconsistency managing system 1true
D33 3636 Task3 3.3 prototype of the extension integrating management of ”human-machine” and ”logical” inconsistencies 1true

  • Task4 Traces and explanations: documenting inferences, query solving and interactions, Wimmics (Design and experiment tracing and explanation approaches)
Id deadline task number title delivered
D43 1515 Task4 4.3 Algorithm to provide performance and errors indicators 1true
D44 1818 Task4 4.4 Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios 1true
D45 2020 Task4 4.5 Algorithm to explain ontology-based processing 1true
D46 2626 Task4 4.6 Algorithm to suggest queries and changes to queries 1true

  • Task5 Social semantic space, Silex (Design and experiment of a social semantic space)
Id deadline task number title delivered
D53 1818 Task5 5.3 Algorithms and architecture for a distributed semantic wiki and a distributed alter-ego assistant 1true
D54 2828 Task5 5.4 Algorithm to distribute query-solving 1true
D55 3434 Task5 5.5 Algorithm to explain and document the distributed solving, Process language and machine for man-machine coordination 1true
D57 3636 Task5 5.7 Test and evaluation according to the project scenarios 1true
D56 3636 Task5 5.6 Algorithm adapted to conflict detection

  • Task6 Scenarios and Evaluations, GDD (project evaluation)
Id deadline task number title delivered
D63 2424 Task6 6.3 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 1true
D64 3636 Task6 6.4 Man-machine collaboration scenarios progress report 1true
This page was last modified on 19 May 2014, at 09:14. This page has been accessed 9,400 times.