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Deliverable description

Code : D4.4

Task / Sub-task : Task4

Deadline : month 18

Description : Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios

Concerns :

Status : yes

The deliverable "Test and evaluation of the alter ego assistant with regard to the scenarios" was published as an article in the WIMS Conference (see below). This paper introduce Collectra, the first element enabling to collecte interactions traces using to built assistance. The paper also presents the assessments of Collectra and demonstrates that the performance of the tool are satisfactory for the needs of assisting motor. Due to strategic reorientation of Kolflow project, the alter-ego assistant for DSMW has not been implemented. However, the uses of traces to provide assistance to users are presented in the deliverables D6.3 and D5.3.

This page was last modified on 19 March 2013, at 09:14. This page has been accessed 2,090 times.