Task41From Kolflow ProjectRevision as of 07:42, 7 February 2011 by Desmontils-e (Talk | contribs)
Title : Alter Ego Assistant. Code : 4.1 Start Date : 2011-03-01 End Date : 2012-08-31
Description : "Alter Ego Assistant" will lead to the design of an assistant based on traces to help users to better understand the Kolflow environment. The results of this subtask will then be reused and improved within Task5. In this subtask, we will focus on the notion of "Alter Ego Assistant" in order to provide users with a mean to explain knowledge available in the systems by using interaction traces. Developing such an assistant involves several challenging issues:
The postdoc will be in charge of this task. Among other things, he will be in charge of the integration of existing approaches and technologies to bootstrap the design process of the alter ego assistant. This subtask involves several milestones:
Deliverables :