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Name : Gestion de Données Distribuées (GDD)

Laboratory : LINA


Description :

GDD is located at Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes Atlantique (LINA) and involves researchers from the University of Nantes working on data management, and distributed systems. GDD has currently 16 member : 8 permanents and 8 Phd students.

Today's hard problems in data management go well beyond the traditional context of Database Management Systems (DBMS). These problems stem from significant evolutions of data, systems and applications. First, data have become much richer and more complex in terms of formats (e.g. multimedia objects), structures (e.g. semi-structured documents), content (e.g. incomplete or imprecise data), size (e.g. very large volumes), and associated semantics (e.g. metadata, code). The management of such data makes it hard to develop data-intensive applications and creates hard performance problems. Second, data management systems need to scale up to support large-distributed systems (such as the Internet or cluster systems) and deal with both fixed and mobile clients. In a highly distributed context, data sources are typically in high numbers, autonomous and heterogeneous, thereby making data integration difficult. Third, this combined evolution of data and systems gives rise to new, typically complex, applications with ubiquitous, on-line data access: virtual libraries, virtual stores, global catalogs, services for personal content management, services for mobile data management, etc.

Tasks :
Task1 Coordination
Task6 Scenarios and Evaluations

Members :
Local page CompleteName Url
Desmontils-e Emmanuel Desmontils
Hala Hala Skaf-Molli
Khaled Khaled Aslan
Luis Luis Daniel Ibáñez
Molli Pascal Molli
This page was last modified on 14 February 2011, at 17:15. This page has been accessed 17,590 times.